Legend of You

Let’s build a Legend of You! The cosmic energies that surround us from the moment of our birth hold immense power over our lives. The alignment of the Moon, Sun, and planets dictates the paths we take and the decisions we make. Have you ever pondered the secrets of your essence, Soul Contracts, and the curse of your name? Perhaps there is more to your journey than meets the eye. Delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe and discover the enigmatic forces that guide us.

What in Heaven

Uncover the secrets hidden within your Astrology chart and unveil a captivating tale of your distinct qualities. With a deep analysis based on your date, time, and place of birth, you will discover elusive insights into your destined romantic connections, fortunate Numbers of Luck, Life Path Number, and a plethora of other revelations that may explain why you possess traits of one zodiac sign while embodying the tendencies of another. The stars hold the key to your enigmatic persona – are you ready to unlock its mysteries? This can become a Legendary tale about you.

You can experience a profound exploration of your Astrology chart and uncover a personalized narrative of your unique traits. Drawing from your birth details, this rich analysis reveals valuable insights into your ideal matches, auspicious Numbers, and a wealth of other revelations that can shed light on why you are just perfectly You!

thERE is LEGEND in business entities too

What on Earth

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong on this planet and that the ground beneath your feet is not truly your home? You might be unaware of a huge soul impact or energy misalignment that surrounds you. Just as every hero must emerge, so do villains during an era of time or change; legends are born.

legend of you

If you’re looking for an in-depth analysis of your Birth Chart, the Complete Soul Package is the perfect solution. Not only does it include “House” details and notes to share with a diverse group of readers, but it also comes with a Human Design Chart that can help you align with your physical purpose and contractual obligations during your current journey around the Sun.

Legend of ɔɥɹʎsʇᴉɐ˥

As Shall Be

It may come as a surprise to learn that your family name could be linked to a spell or curse that has caused discomfort or tension in the past. However, there’s no need to be alarmed as we have the expertise to offer you meaningful insights into these challenges. Not only can we help you understand how they may have impacted your experiences, but we can also equip you with practical strategies to overcome them. With our support, you can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling future, free from the constraints of any negative associations with your earth (birth-given) name.

HINT: The source is within. We are merely here to help provide you with tools, show you different realms, and unveil a timeline of adventure. Embark on a journey toward the unknown with the right instruments and discerning mentors to guide you along the way. Your destiny awaits on a path filled with mystery and intrigue.

tala rose logo over purple night sky used for legend of you jewelry banner

Our mission is to equip you with the necessary battle gear, introduce you to other leaders in various tribes, and nudge you towards a fulfilling journey on your own new timeline of fun.

Creative Creator
So Shall it Be
Legend Analysis

$55.00 = Birth Rites: Basic Birth Chart details. I put everything in a two-page aesthetically pleasing PDF for you, like your own “Cliff Notes” or a special edition of “Idiots Guide to Your Universe.” It includes your Western Astrology Chart, Chinese Zodiac, and Egyptian Astrology along with their ‘meaning’ to you and your life.

$88.00 = Midheaven: Birth Chart & Soul Details: I touch on basic observations in your soul design that might help guide you to a better purpose. The Human Design information can be taken to a practitioner who can further dig into what each gate means or provide further insight into your strategy using your Human Design. This includes your standard Western Astrology Chart including Chinese and Egyptian symbolism.

$111.00 = ɔɥɹʎsʇᴉɐ˥ Legend: Everything above, plus we explore the intricate web of spells woven into your life by your Full Birth Name, affecting your soul in ways you may not even realize. Including your relation to other astrological Zodiac charts. (Human Design ID, 3v Astrology, Numerology, & Soul coding)

Return policy | Delivery policy | Processing Details

  • Allow 5-7 business days for standard processing, as this is a one-to-three-page PDF full of fun stuff about you!
  • Within two business days, an order processing is sent via an email confirmation detailing the details of your order, or I contact you for additional information.
  • There are NO Cancellations or Returns of this type of artwork; like painting items, these are custom-made orders. I actually Type over 2000 words myself; there is no AI generation here.

How to Get Started?

  1. We need payment before services are provided. Click on the package and check out securely through Stripe.
  2. We will contact you to submit the information we need to create your Legend.
  3. Allow 5-7 business days for processing once information is received. It is a two – four page PDF full of fun stuff about you!